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    #Interview: Asking that tricky question, How Disabled Are You?

    Author: Everything Theatre

    in Features and Interviews, Podcasts, Runn Radio interview

    12 February 2022


    Tommy, aka The Queer Historian, talks about his show, How DIsabled Are you?

    How Disabled Are You? explores the difficulties and prejudices faced by benefit claimants. It’s a topic rife for horror stories of what people have had to go through, so we thought a perfect subject for us to chat about with Tommy.

    Another show originally planned for Vault Festival, this interview was recorded prior to the festival cancellation. But that shouldn’t make it any less of a must-listen as we talk about the show, the difficulties Tommy has faced, and just why it probably isn’t a show for Daily Mail readers.

    The show currently doesn”t have any confirmed new dates, but we suggest following Tommy on Twitter here to keep up to date with new announcements. More

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    Interview: Prepare for a Surprise

    Author Eileen Browne on bringing Handa’s Surprise to Little Angel Theatre

    Handa’s Surprise is a modern classic children’s book, named one of the best culturally diverse picture books in the UK. The story takes us to Kenya, following in Handa’s footsteps as she journeys to see her best friend Akeyo, in the next village. Handa is taking seven delicious fruits as a surprise – but seven different animals have seven very different ideas… could you resist the sweet-smelling guava? How about a ripe red mango or a tangy purple passion fruit?

    The story is now being transferred to the stage, so it was our delight to spend time with the book’s author, Eillen Browne, to find out why this story is still one children love, and just what to expect when it gits the stage.

    This stage production of Handa’s Surprise is based on a book that’s still a best seller nearly 30 years after its first publication. What is it about the tale that children love? 

    Well, the book is visually vibrant. The cover shows a girl carrying a luscious bowl of fruit and there’s a hint that something’s about to happen – an ostrich in the background is keenly looking on. But most of all, the words tell one story and the pictures tell another. Children can see what’s happening when Handa can’t.

    After all this time in the pandemic with its travel restrictions it’s fabulous to be immersed in the incredible colours and imagery of another country! Can you tell us a bit about Handa, and her life in Africa?

    Yes, it is lovely to be taken to other places during these restrictive times. The story is set somewhere very different to the places that most readers will be living. Handa is a made-up but well researched character. Two women from London’s Kenya Tourist office gave invaluable advice about hairstyles and  lifestyles of girls living in the countryside of South-West Kenya.

    The original picture book is beautifully illustrated. What are you looking forward to most about seeing them brought to life from page to stage? 

    It’s good to hear that you like the illustrations. The Little Angel’s production has captured the warmth and vibrancy of the pictures and given it extra dimensions with music and movement and an exciting variety of puppetry.

    What are the main themes raised in the story, and are they likely to open up conversations for the audience? 

    This is a story about friendship, a journey and the unexpected. It shows that when bad things happen, really good things can happen too and the characters, readers and audience all get a lovely surprise. As with the book, the onlookers will have lots to talk about.

    What other fun things are included in the production? 

    The interaction of the actors with their very young audience is wonderful.

    What do you hope your audiences will take from the show? 

    As well as ‘travelling’ to another place, hopefully the audience will leave feeling more cheerful than they did when they arrived.

    Is this production going to be touring elsewhere?

    Yes, Handa’s Surprise will be on at Little Angel Studios from 9 February – 16 April before heading out on tour in the Spring.

    Thanks to Eileen for taking the time to chat with us. Handa’s Surprise is on now at Little Angel Theatre, playing until 16 April. Further information and booking via the below link. More

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    Interview: Getting into a Pickle with Deli and Tanya

    Deli Segal and Tanya Truman on new play Pickle

    Pickle is a play about being a young Jewish woman, balancing the two sides of your life; that of being from a Jewish family and the other of just being a young woman. We struggled to think of many other examples of theatre exploring the young female Jewish experience, so we thought we’d like to find out more from the show’s writer/ actor and producer. It was a lot of fun chatting to Deli and Tanya, as well as a wonderful chance to learn a little more.

    The show itself was scheduled to play at Vault Festival, so became yet another casualty when the festival was cancelled. This interview was recorded at the end of 2021, prior to cancellation and so there are a couple of Vault mentions.

    However we’ve been assured the show will see life on stage soon in 2022, so we thought it still more than worthwhile to share this interview with you.

    If you want to keep an eye out for when this show will be on stage, we recommend you follow both Deli Segal and Tanya Truman on Twitter. More

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    Interview: Keeping our heads above water with Swell

    Tom Foreman on new play Swell

    It doesn’t feel that long ago we sat down with Tom Foreman to chat about his play Big Boys. So we were rather surpsied to realise that he was now heading to Lion and Unicorn next week with new show show Swell. Set in the fictional town of Swell, the play takes its inspiration from the real town of Fairbourne which, in 2014, was announced would be depopulated by 2054 due to being unsustainable to defend from the effects of global warning and rising tides.

    So befor we all go under with the rising tides, it seemed a good time to catch up with Tom to find out how he has been since we last spoke.

    What was it that first attracted you to write a show around Fairbourne?

    I came across the story of Fairbourne during the first lockdown, and despite all the chaos of current affairs in that period, it still had this incredibly powerful reach on me. Like most people, combating climate change is a cause I’m deeply committed to, but living in the UK where we’re nowhere near the worst of the impacts, it’s all too easy sometimes to feel that it’s something abstract, in the future.

    And then Fairbourne: a town in Wales that has ‘decommissioned’ due to inadequate defences against rising sea levels, with the whole population set to be removed and infrastructure deconstructed by 2054. I don’t think I ever find it less shocking, really. It’s climate change being felt right here, right now on our shores, and those residents are unfortunately the nation’s first climate refugees. What I think cut through to me the most however was the human stories. These people who have found out overnight that the place they called home was just being abandoned. Hearing stories of how that’s affected the community and individuals within it… That’s where Swell was born. Swell is not a play about climate change: it’s a play about community and grief, about how we come together and fall apart in times of crisis.

    Did you visit the area for the play at all, or did you do what the rest of us do, and get onto Google Earth?

    I wrote the play during the first lockdown, so unfortunately I never did. I’ve always meant to visit, but it’s one of those things that always evaded me being so far away. On the other hand however because it was that first lockdown, I had so much time on my hands, and I spent it learning every little detail I could about Fairbourne. My paternal family are also from Whitstable in Kent, so I also really got my teeth into researching there, and suddenly I was an encyclopedia for small British coastal towns! That was invaluable in constructing the town of Swell when developing the show. I actually have a complete and detailed map of the town, which hasn’t made it into the show yet, but we’re hoping to transfer to Edinburgh for the Fringe after, so maybe people will get to see it one day!

    You focus on two siblings to tell your story, how much is Swell about family told against a backdrop of climate change?

    It’s absolutely that. In my press releases I use the phrase “backdrop of environmental crisis” because that’s really where the climate change comes in. The decommissioning of the town is what triggers the plot, but the plot is certainly not focused on the climate change itself. It’s absolutely a play about family and community, about grief and perseverance. I think that siblinghood is one of the most complex relationships in our lives. We all have such different experiences of it, but the one common theme for all of us with siblings is that they are never ever simple. I wanted to explore that dynamic and push it to its limits. 

    Did you always want to write a climate change story, or were you inspired from hearing about Fairbourne.

    The one thing I never try to do when writing is go looking for a story or issue to write about. I think that if you try to force it, you’ll end up in so many dead ends trying to make it work that the whole experience will just be unenjoyable, and if it’s unenjoyable writing you can bet your bottom dollar it’ll be unenjoyable viewing.

    I also try to steer clear of ‘problem plays.’ That may sound weird given that my most recent two shows have focused on male mental health and climate change, but what I mean by that is a story should never come out of a problem: a problem should always come out of a story. So, in this case, the story of Swell is triggered by climate change, but it doesn’t come out of climate change – it comes out of two siblings finding themselves in a community being torn apart. I couldn’t stop thinking about Fairbourne after I came across it in the news, and it really was the draw of the story, rather than the fact it was related to climate change, that spurred me to write about it.

    You are playing at Lion and Unicorn; last year they had Lately, about youngsters growing up in a dead seaside resort. Did you see this and do you think that there is a lot of ground to be explored in this theme of “dying” seaside towns?

    I know! I actually was lucky enough to see this, what an excellent production. I didn’t know a lot about it going in and I remember when it started thinking “Oh! Coastal community!” Yeah, I’m not sure to be honest! It’s certainly a strange coincidence. I do think that as an island nation, we all have some innate connection to the coast, whether consciously or not. And particularly in the wake of things like Brexit and climate change, those communities on the coast do seem to be struggling the most, when really they should be some of our most valuable towns and cities.

    I mentioned that my paternal side were from Whitstable – we looked into it and found that for hundreds of years, the Foreman’s had been oyster fisherman, passing down the trade from father to son, right up until my grandfather, who broke the chain because he got seasick. It’s a story that makes me chuckle, but I also can’t tell it without considering how different my life would have been growing up there and not around London. It’s a connection with seaside towns that has developed in the making of Swell, and I do think others find their connections in similar ways.

    Your last show, Big Boys, was well received, what did you learn from making that show that you have brought to Swell?

    ‘Big Boys’ was such an amazing piece to be at the helm of. It was delayed for years due to Covid, and when it finally premiered after countless redrafts and rip-ups, it was such an incredible release. I think what it really taught me was my style of writing and how I translate it to the stage. I have come out of the spotlight and focused more on the directing alongside my very talented co-director Connor Rowlett for this one, and that’s helped me really refine the type of show I want to present and how I want it to be delivered. It’s also encouraged me to draw out certain aspects even more. I love Fringe theatre because it allows for such an intimacy with the audience, and we’ve pushed that even further in Swell (although not quite to audience interaction yet!) Looking ahead to the Fringe etc, there’s more lessons still that I’ve learnt from this production that I want to take and push Swell with even further, and I can’t wait to do that. But first, I’m absolutely ecstatic to be back at the Lion & Unicorn, and working with the wonderful team there.

    Swell and Big Boys seem miles apart in their themes, was it deliberate to do something so far removed from your last one?

    As I mentioned, I never go looking for a script to write, so it definitely wasn’t a conscious choice. In fact, there are a lot of themes in Swell that resonate strongly with themes from Big Boys, although I don’t want to give too much away! They’re certainly two entirely different beasts however, and I’ve been conscious of treating them accordingly.

    And after Swell, what have you got lined up next then?

    Well the next step is hopefully taking Swell to the Edinburgh Fringe, where I’m hoping 2022 will be a triumphant return to near-normality. I did visit in 2021 and it was great to be back watching the shows that were on, but it was certainly at a hugely reduced scale. Other than Swell, I don’t actually have anything written at the moment, but I’ve always got projects on the go. I’m trying to write a musical currently with an old friend of mine who is a very talented composer, and longer term I really want to sink my teeth into TV writing. For now though, I’m firmly fixed on seeing how far we can take Swell, and share the desperately important story of Fairbourne to as many people as will listen.

    As always, our thanks to Tom for taking time out from getting the show ready for opening soon. You can catch Swell at Lion and Unicorn Theatre from 8 – 12 February. Further information and bookings via the below link. More

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    Interview: Making ‘Apologia’s’ at Questors Theatre

    Apologia first hit the stage at the Bush Theatre in 2009, before being revived in 2017 by Jamie Lloyd at Trafalgar Studios. We think those are big shoes to fill if you plan to bring the show back in 2022. But that is just what Ealing’s Questors Theatre are doing. So it seemed a great time to sit down with director Meneka Dass to find out more about the play, why they have decided to tackle it now, and why this theatre in Ealing should have been on ET’s radar much earlier!

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    What is it that drew you to this play?

    I saw the first production of Apologia in 2009 at the Bush Theatre in their studio, with an equally captivated audience in a shared experience; huddled together in the top gallery, we watched the story unfold. A tale of long-festering family resentments came to the surface, just as the sparkling wine loosens inhibitions at a celebratory birthday dinner.

    I laughed a lot but it left me with a lump in my throat: there was so much I could relate to. Like Kristin, my mother was not the best cook. A simple meal could take hours because she was more interested in running campaigns and helping change lives, which was not expected of a typical Indian mother in a small Indian village. Growing up, we the children had to burden that shame of having such an unconventional mother, so watching Kristin somehow helped me make peace with my own mum!

    One review called the play “a modern comedy of manners with a political, big heart, but also a black streak running through it”. On a more primal level, for me it is about family, failures and forgiveness. It is these universal themes that gives this play its timelessness, and why it will continue to connect with audiences, which is a testament to the writing.

    The play tackles the difficulties for a woman having to almost choose between family and career: do you think that this is still as much the case today as it was when it was originally written?

    Hmm…this is my subjective opinion, but I still think so. I see it in myself and my friends; these are choices we are facing even today.

    I feel especially in our industry we have a lot more pressure. Taking time to balance family and work as an actor/director doesn’t come easy, but thank God people are talking about it and it’s not such a taboo subject. Women have carried the guilt of wanting something more for themselves beyond just having children and this is beautifully represented in a recent film I watched, The Lost Daughter, directed by the extremely talented Maggie Gyllenhaal. More films, books and plays centred around this theme help to open up conversation, which is a good start. But there is no easy answer.

    Whilst it appears to be a very female orientated play, it was written by a man and previously directed by a male. Do you think you bring a different female perspective to the play?

    Well most of my training has been in acting, so when I do my character breakdowns I tend to play them all, including the men: I work through how they think, their behaviour, their why. It is fun and challenging at the same time. I discovered that when I was Peter and Simon (her sons), I did not like Kristin because I totally felt the suffering they endured from her absence. But when I play Kristin, with her ability and vision to look beyond herself, for me she always wins.

    This is definitely a learning curve for me as a director, so I chose to explore and bring both narratives up for consideration and let the audience decide – give them that freedom. Like the play, the approach is not preachy but intends to leave you with something to think/ponder on.

    Before he turned to being a full time writer, the play’s author Alexi was an amazing actor. I know because I worked with him on the RSC production of Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children, directed by Tim Supple. I always said to him that if I ever directed for theatre I would really want to direct Apologia, and years later it has come to pass here at the Questors! This is the first play I’ve directed and I have a lot to learn. Alexi has been a huge support through these rehearsals, and I don’t think I would have had a different conversation if it was written by a woman because all the conversations I have had with Alexi come from a place of his personal/emotional truth.

    The play’s central character was an activist in the 1960s; was there any consideration of bringing the time period forward or do you think the 60s were a unique time for protest? Have you had to adjust ages to fit better?

    The play is actually set in 2008, but yes I do think that the 60s was a crucial time in our history for social change. There was a certain spirit of awareness – of wanting to make a better world. I grew up listening to the folk songs of Woody Guthrie, Joan Baez, Bob Dylan. At their heart they are protest songs, provoking and inspiring their generation to think beyond themselves. Kristin was there: she was one of them. When pushed to make a choice, she didn’t just talk the talk but walked the walk. To quote Kristin: “I mean you may laugh at this, you may find it sweet and hilarious, but an artist was someone whose voice could be the instigator of social change”. This makes me think about my own/our generation, our leaders, and that is what makes the play still so relevant for us today. Are we complacent? Are we ignorant? Are we naive? Those were the questions I found myself asking when I saw the play the first time and still do now.

    We’ve never been to Questors Theatre before, can you tell us a little about the venue?

    The Questors is London’s largest community theatre, in the heart of Ealing. They have been running for over 90 years, and they have a membership of over 1,000. They stage 18-20 inhouse productions a year, across their two theatre spaces, consisting of a studio theatre and their Judi Dench Playhouse (named after their president). They also host a range of visiting theatre companies, and deliver a variety of one-off and special events.

    They run acclaimed training courses; everything from short modular courses to a two-year part-time acting course for people intending to pursue an acting career. Not to mention their thriving youth theatre, attended by 500 children and young people every week!

    It’s an amateur theatre: do you think the ‘amateur’ tag can put people off from checking it out?

    It certainly hasn’t stopped many Questors shows selling out, that’s for sure! The calibre of talent and hard work that goes into each production is always of an incredibly high standard, from the programming and acting to the costume and set design. Artistic Director Alex Marker is in fact a professional set designer, and designs many of The Questors productions. They are inclusive and affordable, but always produced to a professional standard.

    And what have you got planned for the future?

    Next up at The Questors is the gripping, blisteringly funny Consent by internationally renowned playwright Nina Raine, which runs 19-26 February in the Studio theatre, and that’s followed by Whipping It Up, a hilarious (and extremely pertinent) satire set in a government whips’ office at Westminster. That’s certainly going to put our decision makers under the spotlight!

    As for me, I am currently working on my next feature film. You can check out my website for more news on that, and other projects.

    Apologia plays between 1-5 February at Questors Theatre. Further information and booking via the below link. More

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    Interview: Paul Bradshaw aims to Tell Me Straight

    Paul Bradshaw is a writer and actor, whose show Tell Me Straight is back for a second run after initially opening at King’s Head Theatre.

    Recorded just before Christmas (hence some confusion over whether the show is on this year or next!) Paul chats about the play and its reception when it initially played as part of King’s Head Theatre’s Queer Season. We also hear about why using a voice over rather than a third actor wasn’t simply a sneaky way to save paying an actor again, as well as pondering on whether West London theatre audiences are a different breed to those we see in North London.

    Tell Me Straight, Chiswick Playhouse

    15 – 26 February

    Dani is done with Him and all his bullsh*t! He needs to ‘fix up and get him some rainbow flag waving D’. She’s heard it all – Soldiers. Chefs. Osama (not that one). He’s been through the lot of them and they’ve got one thing in common: they’re all straight.

    Him has a plan:

    30 days




    But like buses…

    ‘It’s like I’m a beacon. Some gay lighthouse on the curious shoreline and these straights squint from the distant sea and drift towards me.’

    Bradshaw’s tell me straight is an explosive one-act play which follows Him trying to break this cycle. Will Him finally listen to Dani, or constantly get sucked in by the straightest of dicksand? More

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    Interview: Secretariat swing the Hexenhammer

    Suzy Kohane and Sidsel Rostrup on new show Hexenhammer

    Suzy and Sid created their theatre company, Secretariat, in 2019, just a few months before the world came to a halt in 2020! Their debut show, Hexenhammer, was due to play at the Vault Festival soon, until the festival became another casualty of covid.

    But that didn’t stop the pair finding time to chat to Everything Theatre about why they decided to set up a theatre company, and what Hexenhammer is all about.

    The interview was also the first conducted by Lily Middleton, one of our wonderful reviewing team.


    Heinrich and Jacob are medieval monks. They’re also modern day incels, and sometimes they’re Jordan B Peterson. A new evil and medieval double act tackling misogyny and the manosphere.

    There are currently no confirmed dates for the show. If you want to keep up to date with any announcements of where this show will be playing, follow Secretariat on Twitter via the below link. More

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    Interview: Are You Safe Benedict Cumberbatch?

    Hooky Productions on their show Experiment Human

    It’s always fascinating to find out where the original ideas for a play come from, and that’s just what we hear about from sisters Maya and Rosa, who make up Hooky Productions. The pair tell us about turning a childhood idea into the central concept for their show, Experiment Human. We also hear the truth about Benedict Cumberbatch, who has a leading part to play in their show.

    The interview was recorded on the same day that it was announced that the Vault Festival had been cancelled. The show was scheduled to play there in March, so at the time of recording, plans were very much up in the air. But the pair were not too downhearted and kept us entertained with their laughter and sheer weirdness of what the show offers. We do hope we get to see it in a theatre near us soon.

    There are currenly no confirmed dates for when Experiment Human will be playing. For more information, follow Hooky Productions on the below social media channels. More