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    ‘Swan Song’ Review: Second Life

    In this future-set drama, Mahershala Ali plays an ailing father who decides whether or not to clone himself for the sake of his family.Cloning is such an unsettling and outlandish prospect that it naturally lends itself to sinister adventures (and sometimes farce). But “Swan Song,” a science-fiction drama written and directed by Benjamin Cleary, posits a scenario of doubling that’s just as much about acquiring emotional intelligence as it is about reckoning with existential and practical ramifications.Cameron (Mahershala Ali) is an ailing graphic designer who doesn’t have long to live. Loathe to abandon his wife, Poppy (Naomie Harris), and their young son, he secretly undertakes a procedure that will create a replica of himself — physically identical, possessing his memories, yet healthy. But will the double really be Cameron in any meaningful sense, or will he simply be fulfilling Cameron’s role in life? Will his family even notice? And is Cameron OK with that?After an especially scary fainting episode, the switch is set to happen in a secluded compound on a lake, where the caring-but-firm scientist (Glenn Close) assures Cameron that this sort of thing will soon be common. We get a sense of the time period’s science-fiction parameters through a mix of banal and mildly “Black Mirror” details: driverless cars are a rule, talking droids serve snacks on trains, and contact lenses can record and transmit what you see.Cleary’s story walks us through the steps of Cameron’s transition. He meets his new doppelgänger in the flesh — temporarily named Jack — and uploads his memories. Mild comic relief comes from Cameron’s hangouts with a recently transitioned person (Awkwafina) at the compound. We get glimpses of Cameron’s family life and its strains, as well as a flashback to his meet-cute with Poppy, all of it suggesting how grief, belief and love might take on unfamiliar forms with new technological possibilities.But any mind-bending conceit or special effect pales before Ali’s incredibly fine-tuned talents. Playing opposite a digital replica of oneself almost doesn’t merit comment anymore, but Cameron and Jack are an entrancing study in the subtlest shifts in energy and feeling. When Cameron first meets his clone, the welter of apprehension, curiosity and concern is apparent on Cameron’s face, but Ali’s crowning touch is Jack’s faint expression of sympathy toward the man he will replace.Ali’s focus and presence makes us believe that both of these men are equally alive and feeling the brunt of this deeply uncanny predicament. This is less a conceptual thumbsucker than a tightly focused, almost miniaturist drama about moving on. Whenever something goes awry, we worry less about Pandora’s box dystopia than about the psychological toll of Cameron’s limbo. Perhaps more so than any film that’s received the tagline, it’s effectively about being true to yourself.Swan SongRated R for heated language. Running time: 1 hour 52 minutes. In theaters and on Apple TV+. More

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    Udo Kier’s Latest Provocation: Leading Man

    In 1966, a pouty-mouthed Udo Kier made his movie debut in a zippy short called “Road to Saint Tropez,” playing a gigolo who has a fling with an older woman. Their day at Baie des Anges is a romp, but by the time they get to the film’s title beach town, he breaks her heart.This summer, Kier is again in a movie that was shot by the water. But it’s nowhere near the French Riviera, and he’s no lady killer.In “Swan Song,” a new movie from the writer-director Todd Stephens, Kier plays Mr. Pat, a flamboyant former hairdresser languishing in a grim nursing home outside Sandusky, Ohio, a working-class city on the Lake Erie shore. With the promise of money, he hitchhikes into town to fulfill the wish of his recently deceased ex-client Rita (Linda Evans): that he style her corpse’s hair and makeup for her open-casket funeral.While roaming Sandusky, Mr. Pat crosses paths with Dee Dee, a protégée turned rival (Jennifer Coolidge), and Dustin, Rita’s gay grandson (Michael Urie). But here’s the thing: Rita is a “demanding Republican monster,” as Mr. Pat sasses, and he’s torn over whether to “make a dead bitch look human.”When it came to the role, Kier said he “had no fear whatsoever,” a tombstone-worthy way to describe his own career, which has been defined by unreserved performances as outré characters for renegade directors.“I was looking forward to making the movie because I don’t ever want to say: I can’t do that,” he said. “I would go as far as to say it was like a dream project for me.”Kier as a retired hairdresser in the film. He said he “had no fear whatsoever” about the role.Chris Stephens/Magnolia Pictures“Swan Song,” now in theaters and on demand starting Aug. 13, completes Stephens’s indie Ohio Trilogy, which began with writing “Edge of Seventeen” (1998) and co-writing and directing “Gypsy 83” (2001), stories of Gen X gay boys itching to leave Sandusky for New York. With Mr. Pat, the trilogy shifts its spotlight to an older gay man who built a life in Ohio.Stephens said he spent more than a year trying to cast the right actor to play a Stonewall-generation peacock who favors fancy fedoras and mint-green leisure suiting. Then a casting director brought up Kier.“I hadn’t thought of him because he’s German,” said Stephens, who based the character on Pat Pitsenbarger, a hairdresser and drag performer he encountered as a teenager exploring his own sexuality in Sandusky’s gay circles in the ’80s. “I had always thought of him in villain roles. But on the other hand, he’s so amazingly fabulous. Mr. Pat had big blue eyes like Udo. As soon as I met him, I knew he was Mr. Pat.”Over five decades as an actor, Kier has put those ice-blue eyes to provocative use as a vampire for Paul Morrissey (“Blood for Dracula” in 1974), a psychiatrist for Dario Argento (“Suspiria” in 1977), a john for Gus Van Sant (“My Own Private Idaho” in 1991), and a demon and a baby for Lars von Trier (“The Kingdom” series in the ’90s). He was Madonna’s dungeon companion in her 1992 book “Sex.”Still to come for the prolific actor are the dark comedy “My Neighbor, Adolf,” in which he plays a man suspected of being Hitler, and a recurring role in the second season of the Amazon Prime series “Hunters,” about Nazi hunters.With “Swan Song,” Kier scored a rarity for an actor at 76: a juicy leading role. Over the phone from his home in Palm Springs, Calif., Kier took the conversation in multitudes of directions. These are edited excerpts.How does it feel to have a leading role?In all the films I did, from “Blade” to “Shadow of the Vampire,” I always had — I hate that word supporting — I had smaller roles. This is the first time after “Dracula” and “[Flesh for] Frankenstein” that I played the lead. I’ve always wanted to play a villain in a James Bond film, but somehow that didn’t happen.Kier opposite Dalila Di Lazzaro in “Flesh for Frankenstein” Compagnia Cinematografica ChampionTell me about shooting with Linda Evans.In Germany, they called “Dallas” and “Dynasty” street cleaners because when they were on television, nobody was in the street. [Laughs] I first met her in a restaurant the night before we were going to shoot, and she was so normal. I was surprised because she wanted to rehearse and rehearse and rehearse. I liked that.When we were shooting, we were real. There was no acting. I learned over the years that the good actors are the nicest people. It’s only the insecure who complain all the time. Linda is one of the nicest.How much did Sandusky influence your making of the film?Everything was wonderful, easy. The main street became for me like the studio at Paramount. I wanted to make the movie as chronologically as possible. Since we started in the retirement home, I slept there alone without a camera and got a feeling for the corridors and for the bathrooms. Then I had an apartment in Sandusky.Was there a gay man from your past who inspired your performance?There were many. There were still friends of the real Pat around, and they told me how he’d hold his cigarette. There were also little things over my life that I have seen in clubs or privately, how people, when they sit down, put one leg over the other just so. But I also wanted to go away from clichés. I did not want to say, “Yes, girl.”Do you identify anywhere under the L.G.B.T.Q. umbrella?When I was a young man in Germany, if two men lived together and the neighbors could hear erotic noises, they would call the police and the people would be arrested. I think it’s wonderful what has been achieved everywhere, especially in America.“I’ve always wanted to play a villain in a James Bond film, but somehow that didn’t happen,” Kier said.Ryan Pfluger for The New York TimesYou’ve worked with some true gay auteurs, including Fassbinder. What’s your favorite memory of him?I met Fassbinder when he was 15, and I was 16, in Cologne in a working-class bar with a mix of truck drivers and secretaries. I went to London to work and learn English. One day I bought a magazine with his face on it calling him a genius and an alcoholic, and I thought, that’s Rainer from the bar.When I went back to Germany, he offered me a role in “The Stationmaster’s Wife” and that was our first work together. We made a lot of movies together. We also lived together. Somewhere it says that we had an affair, but that’s a lie. He was the only director who captured how Germany was after the war.Is there a film of yours people might not know about but you wish they’d discover?I did “House of Boys,” a very important film for the gay community. It’s set [in 1984] in a nightclub in Amsterdam, which my character runs. The boys are there doing stripping, and I come out like Marlene Dietrich. The film is important because AIDS was coming, and nobody knew what AIDS was. I think it’s something people should see.In “Swan Song” and in real life, there’s a generational divide between older gay men who remember the worst years of AIDS and younger men who don’t.Cookie Mueller, my good friend, died of AIDS. I also lost many friends in Germany. In front of the camera, I had that in mind.Have you thought about what you’d like to look like when you die?[Laughs] I don’t care. I guess if someone said that I had seven hours to live, I would have a party with wonderful drinks. After seven hours, I would jump in my pool and not move anymore. People would say, “He’s so good! Look at how long he can hold his breath!”The problem would be if I was 85 and I had no more hair. I would find somebody to polish the top of my head. More

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    ‘Swan Song’ Review: Udo Kier, on His Own and Fabulous

    In this drama from Todd Stephens, Kier plays an Ohio hairdresser who takes a long walk to do one last job — on a corpse.The German-born actor Udo Kier has one of those faces that can turn from angelic to demonic in an instant. His eyes are in part heavenly lapis lazuli, in part impenetrable quartz. He’s an invariably uncanny presence. Directors who have hired him more than once include Paul Morrissey, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Dario Argento, Lars von Trier, and S. Craig Zahler.These days, more often than not, he’s cast in character roles, rarely asked to carry a movie. For “Swan Song” though, he’s in almost every frame. One could say he’s a revelation, but longtime Udo partisans always knew he had this kind of performance in him. And as the title of this movie, written and directed by Todd Stephens, indicates, the role is age-appropriate for the 76 year old.Kier plays Pat, a former hairdresser now in a Sandusky, Ohio, nursing home. Back in his heyday, his flamboyance was mostly accepted in this straight community as a byproduct of his profession. In assisted living, he sneaks More cigarettes and obsessively folds paper napkins. Soon a lawyer arrives, asking him to do, as they say in crime movies, one last job: to style a dead ex-friend for her funeral.There’s some bad blood here: “Bury her with bad hair,” Pat responds, despite the promise of a $25,000 honorarium. But he soon rouses himself and takes a long walk into town. Memories and hallucinations accompany his painful, sentimental journey.Kier is unfailingly captivating in the film, which makes it all the more bothersome that the film itself doesn’t match him. A few plot inconsistencies seem like arbitrary land mines designed to trip Pat up, and the device of having certain characters speak wisdom from beyond the grave doesn’t land.Swan SongNot rated. Running time: 1 hour 45 minutes. In theaters. More