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    Preview: Our Last First

    The Union Theatre

    16 – 19 November

    Four actors walk onto the stage. Uncast. With one story to tell. But who will tell it?

    Our Last First follows the lives of A&B, as we watch them go through the firsts (and lasts) of their relationship, and meet the people along the way who alter their journey. Cast live at the start of each performance, each show is guaranteed to be unique, as relationships are.

    Written without pronouns, genders, ages or physical descriptions of any kind, the play is designed to be played by any and every actor. For far too long romantic leads in theatre have all looked the same, not reflecting the society we live in. Everyone experiences love, it is universal, so why aren’t we seeing everyone represented on stage. “Our Last First” is changing that.

    Writer Lucinda Coyle on the story behind the show

    In lockdown one I was inspired by talking to a fellow actor who was fed up of being told by casting directors they ‘just didn’t look right for the role’ and was concerned by the lack of roles in particular for those who identity as non-binary. I then began to think what if a play was written to be played by anyone and everyone. A play with characters with no gender, no pronouns, no age, no physical descriptions of any kind. Just their words and thoughts. I then began to think of what universally connects us all; love. From that A&B were born, a couple with nothing particularly extraordinary about them. The play follows A&B, as we watch them go through the firsts (and lasts) of a relationship with each other. But I wanted as many actors to play these roles, to have the chance to be the romantic lead as opposed to being stuck cast as the “fat best friend”, so I decided to add in the live casting at the start of the show. As every relationship is unique, so is every show. The four roles are cast live in front of the audience at the start of each show, igniting the relationship we the audience are about to witness, and the two actors are about to explore. 

    Reviews for Our Last First

    ★★★★ A high-quality new play with love at its centre.Everything Theatre

    It is witty, ambitious and works wellThe Reviews Hub

    it’s an original and refreshing ideaand one that it would be great to explore further.Theatre Things More

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    Interview: Ardent Theatre asks us to Rethink

    Andrew Muir and Georgia Bates on new play Rethink and the struggles for actors outside of London

    For our latest podcast interview we caught up with Andrew Muir, writer and joint Creative Director of Ardent Theatre, and Georgia Bates, who will be appearing in their latest production, Rethink, which is on at The Union Theatre from 26 to 30 October.

    The pair talk about how the play was inspired by this 2020 government ad campaign suggesting those in the arts could retrain during lockdown for alternative careers. We also delve into the difficulties of becoming an actor when you live outside of London, and don’t have the financial backing to relocate full time to London.

    You can follow us on Spotify or Itunes (plus many other other podcast providers) for future editions of our interview series. Further information can be found on our Podcast here

    Rethink @ Union Theatre

    Graduation is a day full of celebration and joy. The cloaks, the hats, the bubbles and the dreams all laid bare for the world to see. In July 2020, that class of graduating students had little to celebrate. There were no cloaks, no hats, possibly a bubble but whatever dreams there were, they were soon cut short when the world shut down.

    Rethink is a play about the aftermath of that sunny July in 2020, when six graduates from a performing arts course on the South Coast of England, are encouraged to think again, in the wake of theatre closures and lack of opportunity. What choice do they have? According to a Government-backed advertising campaign their next job could be in cyber, they just don’t know it yet. So, there’s the choice. It’s as easy as that. Isn’t it?

    Rethink plays between 26 and 30 October. Bookings via the below link. Tickets just £10 plus £1 booking fee. More