Good Morning Britain’s Charlotte Hawkins glanced back to when she was once warned to “move out of the way” by Prince Philip.
The TV star, 45, was selected as a child to lay flowers at a Maundy service while meeting the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh.
With the ITV show continuing to pay tribute to the Duke this week, on the lead up to his funeral on Saturday, Charlotte couldn’t help but recall the moment she had shared with Prince Philip all those years ago.
Charlotte explained: “I met him back when I was 10 years old in 1983.”
(Image: ITV)
Her gobsmacked co-star Ben Shephard asked: “When you were 10-years-old, Charlotte? Before joking: “You were always destined for glory.”
The stunning newsreader detailed: “I was picked to hand out a bouquet of flowers to the Queen at the Maundy service.
GMB were kind enough to share the adorable blast-from-the-past photo of Charlotte standing directly in front of the Queen along with three other children at her side.
(Image: ITV)
She quipped: “I had a bit of a different haircut,” as Ben joked: “Are you the one with the bins?”
“I am one of those children in there anyway that’s me and my ear is sticking out, which obviously delighted me in all the official photos.
“And the lovely thing is you look at that photo there and the Duke of Edinburgh actually put his hand on my shoulder to speak to me.
(Image: ITV)
“I was completely awestruck that he was speaking to me.”
Then she dropped the bombshell words that were spoken, she added: “The words he uttered were, ‘You’re going to need to move to the side because you’re in danger of blocking the Queen in the photo.”
Charlotte went on: “I was quite tall for a 10 year old and the Queen’s not that tall, is she?”
An amused Ben jibed: “Step aside, you really are taking her limelight.”
Before Charlotte finished: “He moved me out of the way so I wasn’t blocking the Queen.
“But I loved that because it was typical him, he wasn’t afraid to say it as it was and everyone respected him for that.”
Good Morning Britain airs on weekdays on ITV at 6am.
Source: Celebrities -