Nina and Seb’s horrific street attack could have a long and lasting impact on the residents of Coronation Street, Executive Producer Iain MacLeod has revealed.
Viewers saw the pair savagely beaten and left fighting for their lives during Wednesday’s hard-hitting episode.
Twisted Corey and his gang left the pair for dead in a brutal hate crime that rocked Weatherfield.
Mollie Gallagher, who plays Nina Lucas and Seb Franklin actor Harry Visioni have earned praise from soap fans after the devastating beating.
They have been hailed by the Corrie boss too, who says it is the show’s duty to bring harrowing storylines to life.
He told press: “It will run and run and run, this story.
“It’s one of those things where a really shocking inciting incident triggers months and months of story repeating under cast at the centre of it. And everything that I’ve seen is just knockout.
“It draws in a lot of different families and in the best tradition of Coronation Street storylining, it pits neighbour against neighbour and in some cases, husband against spouse and all of those interesting areas of conflict. It becomes partly about class as well, going forwards.”
(Image: PA)
He went on: “I can’t say too much about that but in terms of how the criminal investigation unfolds, it becomes about class and background and privilege and there are interesting elements to it that we draw into the story as it unfolds.
“At its core we wanted it to be a story about showing the horrific intolerance that can face people purely on the basis of how they look like, perhaps, or what music they might listen to or what subculture they identify with and that is the core of the storyline, right at the finish line.
(Image: PA)
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“It’s a story about intolerance and the reaction to that.”
Both Seb and Nina were rushed to hospital as relatives were told the future is far from certain for the stricken lovers.
The young actors were called “phenomenal” by the ITV exec.
He added: “Whether they’re playing the more sympathetic characters where they’re doing it with incredible heart and nuance and those of them playing the less sympathetic characters and they’ve just gone at it with the incredible professionalism that would be a credit to actors that have been in the business for years and years and years.”
Source: Celebrities -