
Late Night Reacts to Biden’s Rebound Covid Case

“It’s the hottest rebound since J. Lo tested positive for a second case of Affleck,” Stephen Colbert said.

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Over the weekend, President Biden tested positive for Covid-19 again, days after being treated with Paxlovid for a previous case. Others, like Stephen Colbert, have similar stories.

“Wow, getting Covid twice in a row ’cause you took Paxlovid? Who could’ve seen this coming?” Colbert said. “It happened to me.”

“It happened to lots of folks. I don’t know anyone who took Paxlovid who didn’t get it again. It’s the hottest rebound since J. Lo tested positive for a second case of Affleck.” — STEPHEN COLBERT

“Researchers say Paxlovid rebound is caused by insufficient drug exposure: not enough of the Paxlovid drug gets to infected cells to stop all viral replication. So the Covid pops right back up, which is why the White House is now trying to give Paxlovid to Biden’s poll numbers.” — STEPHEN COLBERT

“It’s definitely not the rebound Biden was hoping for.” — TREVOR NOAH

“That’s right, over the weekend, President Biden returned to isolation after once again testing positive for Covid in what his doctor called a rebound case. Right now, Biden’s looking on the bright side. He’s like, ‘Well, at least my Covid got a second term.’” — JIMMY FALLON

“That’s right, a rebound case of Covid. Usually when a 79-year-old is on the rebound, you’re meeting your new aunt named Barbara.” — JIMMY FALLON

“That’s right, the virus came back so fast, staffers didn’t even have time to take down the ‘Get well soon’ balloons.” — JIMMY FALLON

On “The Daily Show,” correspondent Roy Wood Jr. investigated the origins of house music for the latest edition of his segment “CP Time.”

King Princess will play a song from her new album, “Hold on Baby,” on Tuesday’s “Tonight Show.”

Bettmann, via Getty Images

“The Only Woman in the Room” collects photos of lone women holding their own among male politicians, athletes, scientists, journalists, jazz musicians and others.

Source: Television -


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